So, my DSF journey started last year. I knew Simon from dropship lifestyle, he used to be a coach there and he used to help us, people in the UK, with UK specific questions. He mentioned a while ago, he was going to take a course, for people trying to dropship in the UK, which I was really happy about. And he asked me to be a base tester for the course and I thought it was great, really solid content, really easy to follow. And I've just had some really good success since doing the UK specific content. To this point, I've done 30k in sales with that's just 33 orders in total and that's doing other projects on the side as well. So, I don't even know where I'd be if I put 100% of my effort and time into this. And so, it's just been fantastic. We've got a really solid community now.
We answer and ask questions on the private Facebook group and it's really great knowing you're on the right track, and people who have been through similar things that you've been through, they can help you. As opposed to, I've been on forums and things where people have sort of throw things out there and they don't really know the answers. But these people were all going through the same thing. So, I really appreciate that community aspect to it as well and I just really respect and trust Simon, he's got a lot of experience. And it really comes through in the content. It's really easy to follow as well. So, every time I implement something new, I tend to see some form of benefit. Google Ads is so important and the content he puts on the course is so valuable, not just Google Shopping, but search ads and retargeting, that sort of thing. And he's still creating content, it's not finished there. That's the great thing about it. He's got the last module of the course he's just continuously adding content to it and that's really exciting as well. So, there's always going to be things to add.
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Drop Ship Formula is the only training programme of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to create and market your high-ticket dropshipping business here in the UK, but how to get it and your niche products in front of buyer ready customers from day one.